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    At it’s core, The INDEPENDENT ARTS & MEDIA COMMUNITRY ASSOCIATION is a community organizing tool, dedicated to the celebration, promotion, development, preservation, & support of communities & local culture.

    The I.A.M.C.A. is a non-profit, member supported public platform/utility & weekly journal of “all things local”.  A “People’s Platform”!

    It is a central “community hub” for the collaborative partnering of IAMCA membership with local & independent contributors, creators, producers, organizers, volunteers, community organizations, venues and other partners, to both

  • – provide a vast variety of public interest, cultural arts, entertainment, programs, activities & events, news & information, services, tools & resources. and in turn,
  • – provide essential opportunities, promotion, tools, resources, advocacy & support to all our afore-mentioned partners.

    While each affiliated IAMCA Chapter is locally supported, organized & operated, each are an essential part of a larger, nationwide network/community of chapters, that come together to work collectively on

  • – developing and expanding new tools, resources, support & features for the advancement our shared platform.
  • – collaborative productions, programs, activities & events, news & information, services, products, tools & resources, for which each affiliated chapter receives shared benefit,  exclusive-to-IAMCA-member-chapters license, access and use.  Everything from the development, support & production of national and international news, elections coverage, to IAMCA merchandise, to bigger budget productions, like a feature length film or documentary, etc.
  • – participation in shaping Official I.A.M.C.A. Central public-interest programming, projects, productions, and other efforts.
  • – representing their chapter’s membership, with regard to Official IAMCA Central policy and practices.
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